a highschool student who's failing all his classes and doesn't know how to talk to people. His middle name is "Danger" and his parents both died cause of how stupid he looked. He painted the bottom of his shoes red to be more badass and he cuts his hair with a pencil sharpener. His brothers are Kenji and Sawyer, and his b-day is december 5th cause idk thats the day I first drew this little freak. He also like REALLY wants to be famous.(he js like me fr)
LIKES: sour stuff, black coffee, energy drinks, the splatoon soundtrack, jack stauber, roblox, everytime he gets a new follower, webcomics, piracy, manga, loud music, paranormal investigations, money, money, money, the colour purple, roblox, video essays, mold, piracy, cats, v-kei, piracy, did i mention piracy?, vito
DISLIKES: "posers", boring people, the game monopoly, having bad wifi, being broke, group projects, being ignored, vito
ABILITY: fabric control
>click on the ari to leave this cursed place